Wednesday, July 31, 2019

1984 and the US Government Essay

Panopticism is the word to use to describe the events that occur in Orwell’s 1984. In this expression is found the harrowing acts of violence that pervade the novel, and that allow the government to define the parameters of human existence: That is to say, the autocratic control of the government with regards to the populace is omniscient. It is within the US government that the comparisons between 1984 and that other democratic state are diabolically similar. There is no clear dichotomy between Orwell’s fictitious imaginings of a super power and that of the United States government. In all branches of a democratic society where control can be exploited it is, in both 1984 and the US government. This means that in the media, the news broadcasts, the home, the police force, every percentage where capital is invested there lies a nefarious underbelly of judiciary, legislative, and executive corruption. In 1984 there is extreme use of privacy extortion; wiretaps are habitual, and in Winston’s home this remains supremely true. The most oppressing of events that occur in 1984 is the chronic changing of the dictionary. Winston works at the Ministry of Truth. See more: Experiment on polytropic process Essay His job consists of changing the past, rewriting history as it were so that the politics of Oceania are aligned in harmony with all existing present political persuasion. This means that Oceania can rewrite history so they are the victors in history and that means they can commit no evil. In the US history the omitting of certain historical facts from history texts has been numerous; the imprisonment of Japanese Americans during World War Two was hidden; Japanese Americans were taken from their homes and put into concentration camps so that their political or cultural heritage wouldn’t jeopardize the American’s fight against Japan. This omission was just one of many facts of horrendous inhuman actions the US has committed and tried to cover up. Even in Orwell’s fictitious wanderings there exists the slogan â€Å"Who controls the past, controls the future†, which is true in many US government cover-ups; it is in the belief that to keep the public ignorant of governmental activity is what keeps the public supporting their government, because if they don’t know something exists, then they can’t have an opinion for or against it, like the concentration camps. In Orwell’s novel there are secret arrests that happen during the night. People are arrested for any number of ‘crimes’, for having freedom of speech, for having thoughts other than in support of Oceania (for which the thought police will have one arrested), for going against Big Brother in any fashion, there were arrests made and the person simply disappeared. In the US government’s history such arrests have occurred. The US government, now with the War on Terror campaign has aligned itself with that of Orwell’s thought police, and they have done this with Project Carnivore. Project Carnivore is the US government’s Justice Departments initiative to keep surveillance on private citizens, as Ventura et al (2005) in their article Government and the War on Terror, â€Å"Perhaps the most intrusive web-based technology ever developed, Carnivore possesses the ability to essentially wiretap individuals’ computers, accessing every piece of datum flowing to and from a Central Processing Unit (CPU), provided the data were moved on a network connection†. This type of surveillance is cunningly similar to what happens to Winston Smith. Winston Smith, though working at the Ministry of Truth remembers history as it was, not as it is written. In Orwell’s dystopia, media control is essential. The US government, and especially during the Bush administration is controlling the media in every capacity. Currently in the media there exists little or no dissent in the political views, especially views against the war; by controlling the media the US government controls the publics view on the outside world and the government’s interaction with that world. At Winston’s job, he rewrites history, and by rewriting history, he is covering up a sordid past that if the public new that’s how government was in reality, there would be a mass wave of protest against Big Brother and the government would dissipate with so many of its citizens in alliance against autocratic control. The US government, during their war on terror, and under Project Carnivore, has done its own share of secret arrests, in detaining people they believe are affiliated with the Taliban based on their culture. The same stultifying fear that forfeits justice in 1984, is the same fear that exists in the reality of the United States, with their policies on protecting the American people by forcing certain parties to vacate the country, or by simply holding them in detention centers without cause. On December 6, 2001, then Attorney General John Ashcroft addressed the Senate Judiciary Committee in praise of this act, and it’s restructuring of the NSA, CIA and FBI. (Ashcroft 524) His rhetoric was patriotic and concise, and his views of the USA PATRIOT act and its changes seemed sincere. This was supported with the passage of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, which paved the road for the Patriot act itself. Eric Rosand wrote about the resolution in 2003. His response to its necessity was one of sympathy to the government, for having to face such a difficult challenge. However, not everyone who has commented on the alterations of the US governmental policy has done so with such reverence. David Cole compared the investigations into possible terrorist cells in the United States, to the â€Å"Palmer Raids† of 1919 – where, following a series of bombings, J. Edgar Hoover led a series of â€Å"round ups† of immigrants across the country and held them without trial or charge in â€Å"unconscionable conditions, interrogated incommunicado and in some cases tortured†. (529) This attitude has spread throughout the country, as the appearance of impropriety has permeated the government’s handling of the terrorist investigations. Mary Jacoby brings up the question of the legal definition of â€Å"Detainee†. This is in response to the holding of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay military base in Cuba. The prisoners of this facility have been acquired from around the world – from the war in Afghanistan, and from arrests done in dozens of countries around the world. However, the problem arises when the soldiers fighting for the Afghan military are brought in as detainees, rather than prisoners of war. While the Guantanamo prison has its apologists, such as Charles Krauthammer – who states that freeing of these men would be â€Å"lunacy† (537) – the fact remains, that in strict terms, the United States is in break of the Geneva Convention by holding POWs. Orwell’s totalitarian society bears witness to the fact that the Party controls Oceania, and every citizen residing there. In thought, in emotion, in sexual expression, there is no force greater than that of the Thought Police. Winston himself, when tortured by O’Brien, is forced to see five fingers instead of four. That is how controlling the Party is in 1984, they cause even a simple truth as seeing four fingers false; their manipulation is purely ingenious and inhumane. 1984 is similar to the US government in the scotching of human rights. Thoughts are controlled; lives are public domain because privacy doesn’t exist if even emotions are controlled. The media is the main link between Oceania and America. Dystopia exists in how the news is presented and how the truth is slanderous and causes a person very quickly to be an unperson, to speak Newspeak. Though the simple act of ridding the nation of human rights and through secret arrests and detaining individuals without giving them proper due process of the law, 1984 and the US government could almost be one and the same. There is a symbolism here that cannot be ignored. It is in war that the two nations converge. War is good for the economy, and war makes peace. That is also the belief of the war on terror; war must exist first so that peace can follow. War creates jobs and the therefore raises the standard of living in Oceania and in America. The US government has used this type of propaganda to influence the citizenry to support war. War equalizes the economy and every person benefits monetarily from such deeds. That is the similarity between Orwell’s 1984 and the US government. War is Peace. With the thought police and with Project Carnivore there can be no deviation from the norm, no freedom of which to speak. That is panopticism; the government keeping an eye on everyone and everything constantly controlling. Work Cited Orwell, George. 1984. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. New York. 1983. Goodwin, Amy & David. Why Media Ownership Matters. Seattle Times. Sunday, April 3, 2005.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Purpose of Education in Society Essay

Outline the functionalist view on the role and purpose of education in society Functionalists argue that education has three broad functions. Education teaches that solidarity and skills are required by a modern industrial society. Solidarity is being together, treating people fairly and going with the norms and values of society and stop discrimination, without it there would be a state of chaos where there are no rules. In order to prepare yourself for work you need the skills provision to help achieve your goal. These may be general skills that everyone need such as literacy and numeracy or the specific skills needed for the particular occupation. As the division of labour increases in complexity and occupational roles become more specialised, increasingly longer periods in education becomes necessary. You also need socialisation and meritocracy to maintain society by teaching young people the key cultural values, such as achievement, competition, equality of opportunities, social solidarity, democracy and religious morality. Parsons stated that education ‘bridges the gap between the family and the wider society’ – this is also seen in secondary socialisation where we are taught the universalistic standards which are judgments based on universally agreed principles, which is seen differently in particularistic standards which are judgments based on an exclusive view of a particular group. Socialising children to adapt the meritocratic view of achievement is when and individual has achieved something on their own with their own talent and ability. Functionalists also say school is a miniature of society as young people are expected to follow some norms and values within the school which is then applied to the real world. They are also both meritocratic and believe in an achieved status- which is working to grasp your goal with your own talent and ability which can move you up or down the social class ladder and gives social mobility. Functionalists disagree with having an ascribed status which is being born into a social class which could mean you wouldn’t have to work for anything as everything is already there for you. Davis and Moore are functionalists and believe that education is important for role allocation. This allocates people to the most suitable jobs for their talent; it does this through exams and qualifications. Education allows you to sort people into future work roles- some people are more talented than others- some work requires more skills than others. More talented students will eventually be rewarded by being allocated to these job roles. The human capital theory shows that a meritocratic education system is the best way to develop a skilled workforce to create a strong economy and higher living standards

Monday, July 29, 2019

Causes Of World War II And Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Causes Of World War II And Holocaust - Essay Example The paper talks about how the quote mentioned in the thesis statement relates to the events of WW II. There were many causes of WW II which fall under the broad categories of the Treaty of Versailles, the after-effects of WW I, the Great Depression, Europe’s deep resentment after WW I, failure of the League of Nations and numerous other political and nationalistic forces. Two particular events that acted as catalysts were the invasion of Poland by Germany and Russia and the invasion of China by Japan. The drivers behind these decisions were Hitler and the Nazis from the German side and Kwantung Army in Japan. The Treaty of Versailles was putting extreme pressure on Germany to accept blame for WW I and to pay the damages caused by the war. German land was taken away and many restrictions were put on it. Around this time Hitler was coming to power. Once in power, he built a secret army for Germany and provided it weapons. Hitler also created alliances with Japan and Italy who we re aggressors in WW II. Hitler’s approach was also aggressive and kept breaking pacts made with other leaders and taking violent actions by invading countries he had expressly stated he wouldn’t and thus was a source of constant instigation. In the 1920s, the Great Depression hit and the conditions of the people worsened. Trade levels plunged, along with prices and business incomes while unemployment and despair shot up almost simultaneously. In the face of the Great Depression, the only thing that was holding these different countries together-The League of Nations-failed. It had no army and thus negligible power and the worst part was the aggressor countries like Germany and Russia were not even part of it.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Organizational Behavior as one of the Essential Elements of Management Essay - 1

Organizational Behavior as one of the Essential Elements of Management - Essay Example With both its internal and external aspects, motivation is instrumental to employees’ choices, level of input and persistence in applying efforts to a particular activity towards success. The recommendations on developing motivational theories are based on the assumption that existing theories are less effective in motivating employees. The first recommendation is an application of results from existing analyses in developing a basis for new theories. This is because while existing theories may have weaknesses and limitations, they may hold some level of validity and identified convergence of theories from Meta-analyses establishes the ground for their application in developing new theories. Another recommendation is an elimination of virtual boundaries in organizations that create barriers to sharing of resources and information. The elimination of boundaries should further be achieved, on developing theories, by not restricting theories to activities or departments. Further, indicator variables of general and particular motivation types should be understood. An understanding of the involved motivation is also necessary together with identification of the role of dynamism in human behavior. The article, therefore, establishes a new approach to developing motivational theories for an effective application (Locke and Latham, 2004). Hendry, Woodward, Bradley, and Perkins also identify the need for a change in understanding aspects of â€Å"reward and performance† (n.d., p. 1). They establish a new approach to understanding performance, its aspects, measurability, and approach to its improvement. The authors, for example, identify inefficiency in the traditional accounting approach to measuring performance. They also identify dynamism in the corporate world that has demonstrated the necessity of measuring performance as well as core principles for measurement. The  article also associates performance with employees’ capacity, relationships between employees and supervisors and different rewards approach.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Victimization Evolves to Empowerment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

How Victimization Evolves to Empowerment - Essay Example All the same, King chooses a moderate and democratic viewpoint of empowerment, while Malcolm presents a more militant path. What Malcolm says about racial discrimination is that black people suffer â€Å"political oppression at the hands of the white man, economic exploitation at the hands of the white man, and social degradation at the hands of the white man.†2 King on the other hand remarks that black are denied their â€Å"constitutional and God given rights† under racial discrimination.3 It can be seen from the above statements that while King views the system as the culprit, Malcolm points his fingers to the mainstream white. It is in the backdrop of the racially discriminatory Jim Crow laws that both make their above-mentioned statements. Malcolm calls Jim Crow laws, a â€Å"segragationist conspiracy† and prescribes black to break them, while King calls for fighting against the segragationist laws as a part of a civil disobedience movement so that it can be transformed into a political struggle. While Malcolm thus stresses retaliation, King stands for collective political action. Martin Luther King realizes that for the process of empowerment to begin, first the black and the society should fully understand the dimensions of victim status. In â€Å"The Letter from Birmingham Jail,† when Martin Luther King writes an open letter to the eight white religious leaders, he is answering their allegations against him and the agitating black people as well, but also is making use of the opportunity to discuss the issue of racial segregation of black people.4 This forced entry of the black narrative into main public discourse is first step in the process of empowerment. This is an attempt to get the mass society acknowledge that black are real victims. This assertion of victim status then also becomes a prelude to the forthcoming empowerment process. King in his letter is trying to make both white and black people see the facts about bla ck victimisation.5 King was arrested and put in Birmingham jail for taking part in a demonstration against racial violence and discrimination.6 He wrote this letter in response to the statement issued by eight white religious leaders of the South, expressing concern over the â€Å"untimely† and violent nature of black protests.7 King utilizes his chance to reply to the white leaders so that he can show the wider public the ground realities of black life, a picture usually suppressed in mainstream narratives. In this manner, King by tailtoing a mainstream discourse, tries to win the attention of the mainstream audience, in order to make them see a marginalised issue. This method adopted by King stands proof to the fact that it is only through making victims as well as perpetrators acknowledge the victim status of the black, that the process of empowerment can begin. From this point of view, the letter of King can be viewed as addressed to both black and white people. King asse rts the need for black unity for the sake of their empowerment, and anchors his arguments on the universal value of justice to get wider support for them. King declares that he presumes the eight white leaders to be genuine and sincere in their concerns.8 This is a demand, and warning in disguise, that the white leaders are expected to adhere to the declared genuinity of their concerns. By making such a demand, King shows black that they have every right and courage to demand justice.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Investment Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investment Strategy - Essay Example  ­For this formula, the n refers to the number of times per year that interest is compounded. This will be the formula that will be used in this case because the interest needs to be compounded monthly. The option that I would choose would entirely depend on how I planned to spend it. If I was looking only at the short term, then I would be better to go with the one-off payment of $100,000. However, if my goals were set towards the long term, then I would be far better off to go with the monthly payments of $750 per month. In the figures above, it can be seen that considerably more money is gained through the one-off payment after 10 years, but that the monthly payments accumulate much more at 20 and 30 years respectively. To find where the change occurs precisely, take a look at the following: The table above shows that while the $100,000 one-off payment is worth more than the $750 monthly payments after year 16, it only takes one more year, year 17, for the monthly payments of $750 to be worth more. The benefits to each option are obvious. If someone is after quick money and does not have any long-term plans for the future, then they should take the one-off payment of $100,000. However, if they want to make long-term plans that will hopefully benefit future generations, then the best option is to take the $750 monthly installments. The age that someone has a choice to make obviously would affect their decision. As I am a student, I would likely take the monthly payment option because I would benefit from it later on in life. However, someone that was close to old age would want to take the $100,000 one-off payment because they would likely not be around much longer. If they were to take the monthly payments and then suddenly pass away, they would not get much use out of the

Indirect method vs. Direct method. Statement of Cash Flows Essay

Indirect method vs. Direct method. Statement of Cash Flows - Essay Example Likewise, decreases in the current liabilities are recorded as decreases in the company’s cash inflows. In addition, the indirect method begins with the income statement’s net income data. Further, noncash deductions are added back to the net income to arrive at the correct cash inflow (Stickney, 2009). For example, the income statement shows a deduction for depreciation expense. Since the indirect methods starts with the net income, the depreciation expense reduced the company’s net income amount. Consequently, the proper process is to add back the depreciation expense to the net income. The reason is very obvious. All company expenses have a correspondent credit to cash or cash equivalents. However, there was no cash outflow or payment made when the company debited depreciation expense. To arrive at the amount of cash that flowed into the company’s coffers, the next step is to add back the cash-absent depreciation expense. The same process is applied to the amortization expense. Amortization expense is debited but there is no corresponding credit to cash or cash equivalents.... There is a big difference between the cash inflows from operating activities and the cash inflows from investing activities. The cash inflows from operating activities represent the cash inflows that come from the normal day to day business operations. For example, the company is engaged in the selling of television sets. Cash inflow figure comes from the day to day selling of the televisions sets. In terms of the company’s cash outflows come from the purchase of the television sets from the television store’s suppliers. If the company is a barber shop, the company’s cash inflows come from the customers who pay for their haircuts. The company’s cash outflows include the amounts paid for the electricity that is used to light the barbershop (Stickney, 2009). The cash inflows from investing activities represent just what account states. The amount represents cash inflows and cash outflows from non-operating activities. For example, the grocery company buys st ore inventory. The amount paid for the store inventory is part of cash inflows from operating activities. The company buys the inventory in order to sell the inventories to their current and prospective customers. On the other hand, the company buys the adjacent building. The amount paid for the building is classified as cash outflows from investing activities. The company is investing in the building because the company wants to expand the grocery business. When the company sells its old grocery building at a discounted price, the amount collected is classified as cash inflows from investing activities. The company decides to sell the old grocery building, which was originally recorded as cash outflows from investing activities, when the old grocery building was purchased. In the same

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Economics - DQ 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics - DQ 2 - Essay Example However, the point where marginal cost and marginal revenue intersects represents output which is less than maximum capacity. Thus, there lies inefficiency in production as these firms control the level of supply in order to regulate the prices. This is true in the real world. For example, monopolist firms in developing countries especially those in the provision of public utilities like water and utility set prices too high while controlling quantity. They do not operate in their full efficiency in order to bid up the prices of their goods and services. Thus, most countries where utilities are monopolized are where the highest electricity costs are found. Monopolists take advantage of the situation by using their capacity of influencing price level. Globalization is characterized by the entry of foreign firms in the domestic market and vice versa. This is also a process by which business organizations operate anywhere in order to take advantage of profit opportunities. Globalization is seen as the way of increasing the number of competitors in the market through the entry of new players and the survival of the most efficient ones. Yes, globalization intensifies the market competition in a given country. It is irrefutable that multinationals or huge business organizations operating on three or more markets have gained significant economies of scale and are the most efficient ones. The entry of these players in the domestic market often threatens the local players who are less efficient. Thus, competition heats up as these smaller players cope with the ability of large foreign firms to operate more efficiently and profitably. In so doing, it also tries to safeguard its shares by equipping itself with competencies. Local manufacturers often go beyond their limit. The entry of foreign players pressures them to improve their processes, strengthen their brand image, produce higher quality products, and even double

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Review the book named middlemarch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Review the book named middlemarch - Essay Example Featherstone as he was not much satisfied with her. To attend and serve a person who was always impulsive to you was what Mary was doing. She has always been polite to him and has never been harsh to him in return. She was sitting in silence and was reflecting on the events that happened that day when suddenly Mr. Featherstone woke up from his sleep and called Ms. Gray to his bedside. He gave her the keys of the safe and asked her to take out his will. Ms. Gray was ordered by Mr. Featherstone to burn the second will so that only his first will is considered to be valid. She was afraid to act on his orders as there was no one in the room to witness her act. She refused to act on his orders even when she was offered a bribe on it. She felt that Mr. Featherstone isn’t in the right mind and stays firm. Mr. Featherstone went to sleep and he was dead by the next morning. Analysis: Ms. Gray was a very sweet, humble and straightforward kind of person. She had a good understanding and knowledge about human nature with a good sense of humor. But these qualities of her cant be judged by her daily activities. She seemed very simple and plain throughout the novel which contradicts to what she actually is from inside. This made her characters suspicious to few people. She was believed to be very prudent as she felt that many people will be disappointed by Mr. Featherstone's will. The nervous tone of Mr. ... Eliot gave her less opportunity to show the strength of her personality however, when it appears, her character is shown as the strongest character in the whole novel. Her strong character is beautifully portrayed in the death scene of Mr. Featherstone. Ms. Gray proved to the reader that intellect and wisdom are not enough for a woman to surpass the situational problems faced by females. Ms. Gray’s decision secured her but did not help her to get freedom. Ms. Gray’s refusal to burn Mr. Featherstone's will showed an act of self-protection as well as ethical and moral strength. The speakers of Eliot’s novels deconstruct masculine authority which is replaced by feminine narrative power which actually has no inspirational base. A face of such feminine insight is Ms. Gray’s detached and sardonic wisdom. Ms. Gray’s Character is somewhat closest to Marian Evans. 2. Application of Act Utilitarianism: We need to look upon all the alternatives that can be con sidered while taking this decision. If I would be Ms. Gray’s position I would have acted according to Mr. Featherstone’s orders and would have burned the will on his demand as he was on his death bed and this act could have given him some satisfaction and happiness and would have made him felt better. He would have appreciated the efforts. The other option that I had was that I would have consulted someone else or would have arranged some witness in the presence of whom I could have helped Mr. Featherstone on his demands. Thirdly I would have talked to Mr. Featherstone on some other alternative than just to burn the will. I would have done that instead of just declining his request straightforwardly which lowered his morale to an extend that took his life. Furthermore I

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Biomarkers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biomarkers - Essay Example In aquatic environment, biomarkers depend upon the physical environmental conditions such as temperature, pH or salinity, as well as toxic concentrations of chemical pollutants or any combination of these. Biomarkers can be categorized as non-specific and specific according to their responses to a particular element or a group of environmental factors (Mayer et al., 1992). non-specific biomarkers, for example ribonucleic acid/deoxyribonucleic acid, radiolabelled amino acid or nucleotide incorporation, and adenylate energy charge, give direct information on the growth rate or potential of an organism but they can not be used to determine the particular toxicant. Specific biomarkers can be again categorized n to two sub-categories, organ, and toxicant specific according to method of their recognition. Organ specific biomarkers are analyzed by examining changes in concentration specific enzymes in organisms whether as Toxicant-specific biomarkers are analyzed according to the exposure and effects on an organism due to a chemical or group of chemicals. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), transaminases, creatine phosphokina... criteria with which to assess results should be available Biomarkers can be categorized as non-specific and specific according to their responses to a particular element or a group of environmental factors (Mayer et al., 1992). non-specific biomarkers, for example ribonucleic acid/deoxyribonucleic acid, radiolabelled amino acid or nucleotide incorporation, and adenylate energy charge, give direct information on the growth rate or potential of an organism but they can not be used to determine the particular toxicant. Specific biomarkers can be again categorized n to two sub-categories, organ, and toxicant specific according to method of their recognition. Organ specific biomarkers are analyzed by examining changes in concentration specific enzymes in organisms whether as Toxicant-specific biomarkers are analyzed according to the exposure and effects on an organism due to a chemical or group of chemicals. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), transaminases, creatine phosphokinase, lysosomal enzymes, alkaline phosphatases and mixed function oxidase are the examples of organ specific biomarkers while as inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) by organophosphates and inhibition of cytochrome P monooxygenase, methallothionein and metal binding proteins by metals are some of the toxicant specific biomarkers (Mayer et al., 1992; Gagn and Blaise, 1993). There are basically two parameters for biomarker assessment: global reference values and comparative values. global reference values can be developed for DNA adducts, ALA-D, AChE, scope for growth, CEA, PAH-metabolites, GST, lysosomal stability, micronucleus formation, vitellogenin, MT biomarkers and comparative values can be used for ethoxyresoroufin-o-deethylase (EROD), antioxidant enzymes, peroxisomal

Monday, July 22, 2019

Testing Rodolpho Essay Example for Free

Testing Rodolpho Essay Catherine doesnt get drawn in by this and goes back to testing Rodolpho; she steels herself as if she is about to say something important and the audience know something is going to happen. She asks him a question that Rodolpho doesnt answer, but he immediately attacks her about Eddie and whether it was him making her ask the question:  Catherine [steeling herself]: Tell me something. I mean just tell me, Rodolpho would you still want to do it if it turned out we had to go live in Italy? I mean just if it turned out that way. Rodolpho: This is your question or his question?  The audience can tell that Rodolpho thinks about Eddie differently now to before the boxing. Before that Eddie was like a potential uncle to him but he has now realised how much Eddie hates him, or hes aware of something that he doesnt understand.  Rodolpho takes his anger for Eddie out on Catherine and he answers her question in a way that the audience dont expect him to and shocks them. Catherine is also shocked and upset that he hasnt told her he loves her. Rodolpho attacks Catherine about Eddie:  No; I will not marry you to live in Italy. I want you to be my wife and I want to be a citizen. Tell him that, or I will. Yes [He moves about angrily.] And tell him also, and tell yourself, please, that I am not beggar, and you are not a horse, a gift, a favour for a poor immigrant.  This shows Rodolpho is upset and angry that Eddie should suggest such a thing. He is proud and frustrated that Eddie and Catherine think of him this way. As he talks Rodolpho walks about showing his frustration and anger. He still doesnt tell Catherine that he loves her although he could be playing for time. The emotion moves on and Catherine talks about Eddie and what he means to her:  Its only that I He was good to me, Rodolpho. Good. He razzes me all the time but he dont mean it. I know. I would just feel ashamed if I made him sad. Cause I always dreamt that when I got married he would be happy at the wedding, and laughin and now hes mad all the time and nasty [She is weeping.]  She doesnt understand why Eddie doesnt like Rodolpho and feels like she doesnt know Eddie anymore. The audience feel her emotion and it makes them feel sad for her. She pleads with Rodolpho to get Eddie to trust him:  Tell him youd live in Italy just tell him, and maybe he would start to trust you a little, see? Because I want him to be happy; I mean I like him, Rodolpho and I cant stand it! The audience can see she is desperate and they feel for her. They want Rodolpho to do what she wants. Rodolpho doesnt seem to take her that seriously:  Oh Catherine oh, little girl  This could be taken as if Rodolpho is protective over her or that he is taking advantage of her.  Catherine tells Rodolpho she loves him but he doesnt tell her he loves her back, making the audience wonder why he didnt:  Catherine: I love you, Rodolpho, I love you.  Rodolpho: Then why are you afraid? That hell spank you?  He is suggesting that Catherine should trust him. Catherine shows she wants someone to treat her like an adult so she can be an adult:  You dont know; nobody knows! Im not a baby; I know a lot more than people think I know. Beatrice says to be a woman, but then why dont she be a woman?  The characters are developing and Catherine doesnt understand and doesnt know what to think. She is trying to understand what is going on and what people are trying to say, but she also wants to prove herself and show she isnt a baby. Things start to get more intimate and Rodolpho relates Catherine to nature and shows what Eddie is doing to her:  Catherine. If I take in my hands a little bird. And she grows and wishes to fly. But I will not let her out of my hands because I love her so much, is it right for me to do? I dont say you must hate him; but anyway you must go, mustnt you? Catherine?  This could also be interpreted as the bird being held like Rodolpho is holding Catherine. They hold each other and Rodolpho leads her towards the bedroom, showing Catherine as being defenceless and he is protective over her. This is a dramatic movement because the audience assume they will have sex. When Eddie comes in the audience can anticipate something will happen because he comes in drunk with many bottles:  [Light rises on the street. In a moment Eddie appears. He is unsteady, drunk. He mounts the stairs. He enters the apartment, looks around, takes out a bottle from one pocket, puts it on the table. Then another bottle from another pocket, and a third from an inside pocket. He sees the pattern and cloth, goes over to it and touches it, and turns towards upstage.]  Catherine enters from the bedroom first and tries to act naturally. Eddie mockingly asks if Rodolpho has been making her a dress, making the point that he thinks Rodolpho is gay. When Rodolpho appears from the bedroom Eddie realises what might have happened and the audience feel tension because they dont know what he will do. There is a dramatic pause before Eddie tells Rodolpho to get out.  Catherine follows Rodolpho and the audience can see that her loyalty is now with him instead of Eddie and she stands by Rodolpho.  I just cant stay here no more. You know I cant. [Her sobs of pity and love for him break her composure.] Dont you know I cant? You know that, dont you? [She goes to him.] Wish me luck. [She clasps her hands prayerfully.] Oh Eddie, dont be like that! This shows her desperation because she loves Eddie and wants him to agree. She doesnt know what else to do but she has decided to be a woman. What just happened in the bedroom with Rodolpho might have helped her to make this decision.  When Eddie intimately kisses her on the mouth he is showing that she is his not Rodolphos. This is a shock to the audience and might cause them to wonder if Eddie wants a relationship with Catherine. Rodolpho pulls Eddies arm away and tells him to stop it. He is appalled by what Eddie has done and might also be jealous. He tells Eddie that Catherine will be his wife, demanding and taking control. Eddie mocks and taunts Rodolfo until Rodolpho flies at him and Eddie kisses him. This is completely unexpected and shocks the audience even more than when Eddie kisses Catherine. The audience are horrified, as is Catherine who has realised that Eddie thinks Rodolpho is gay and she doesnt know what to think. As Eddie leaves the apartment he tells Rodolpho to get out alone, threatening him. The audience are not sure if Catherine is going to go with him and it is almost left on a cliff hanger because they dont know what is going to happen. The lights go down leaving a tense atmosphere.  This scene is particularly dramatically effective because of the fast pace and suspense. There is a lot of varying emotion and the audience never know what is going to happen next.

Job roles at Tescos Essay Example for Free

Job roles at Tescos Essay A Director is also sometimes known as chief executive officer. CEO are the main bosses of PLCs-Public limited Companies- The title reflects his or her role as both a member of the Board of Directors but also as the senior manager. In large Companies, including investment banks and other financial institutions, Director/Managing Director does not refer to the chief executive but can rather refer to the head of a major business unit. Even though it is known as CEO in some cases, companies prefer the term Director or Managing Director. The responsibility and the role of a CEO is to make sure the company is functioning properly financially. They are the main people who give instructions to employees lower status to them. The Directors are the face of the business. They have a huge responsibility as if the company becomes corrupt or bankrupt this will be due to the director not making correct choices. A Managing Director usually has job security because the board rely on them to keep the company running correctly, if the board decides to fire the director it would be really difficult to find a replacement quickly, therefore it would cost the company quite a lot of money. Because of this usually the job of a CEO is secured. Typical day to day jobs of a Managing Director range from making strategic planning to dealing with customers. Skills, qualifications and personal qualities needed to be a Managing director range from University level degree to peer to peer skills in order for them to communicate accordingly with customers. Managing director are highly appreciated for their work, therefore are paid quite large amounts of salaries, these salary begin from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½65,000 and can lead up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500,000. The benefit of a CEO is that they get paid bonuses in the end if they are PLC Company. These bonuses range from 50%+ of the original salary. The CEO/Managing Director of Tescos is Terry Leahy. The role and day to day jobs of Terry include making final decisions on things like if Tescos wants to create more branches or close down branches. Mr Leahy might also be involved into making decisions such as if Tesco as a whole want a redecoration or they want a new logo. Again Terry Leahy is the face Tesco; he reflects the popularity of Tesco. Operative: Tescos operatives key responsibilities are to offer customer service for their customers. For example, if they are a cashier they will offer customer service when the customers buy products from the till, where as if the they are a shelf stacker they may help customers who are looking for a specific product or give them advice about particular products they might be interested in. A Tesco operative isnt considered usually as a secure job. The reason being, to be an operative you dont require a lot of skills, because of this it means that a large amount of people fit this criteria, therefore Tescos wouldnt hesitate to quickly fire the operative as they would have a handful of people to select the new operative from. Tesco also likes to employ their operatives on temporary contracts. This means that by law it is easy for Tesco to get rid of the employee. The only way a Tescos operative could get a little bit of security would be if they sign a permanent contract. This means that it would be legally much harder for the company-Tesco- to fire the operative. Usually an operative wouldnt be offered a permanent contract without previously completing a temporary contract. The basic skills that a operative will need is ranged from good communication skills, and to have basic English and maths skills, also on top of these educational skill they will also need a common sense and a sense of humour. They will need to be organised and well presented. No degree is usually needed to qualify as an operative, but obviously a GCSE will be taken as a good factor. The wages of an operative usually ranges from minimum to around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½7 an hour. Operatives are rarely paid their salaries in a yearly basis. Benefits which affect a Tescos operative would be things like a certain amount discount on the companies products, the operative would also be entitled to around about 4-5 weeks paid holiday per year. Manager: The managers, of a branch of Tescos have important responsibilities. These range from ensuring that their operatives and supervisors are working to their full potential and that the department or the store is meeting their day to day targets. For example an overall Tesco store manager will have much more responsibilities than for example a meat department manager. The tasks of a Tescos store manager would range from ensuring if for example the meat department has enough supplies for the week, or if bakery departments needs more flour to bake bread, the manager might need to arrange the sources. The managers at Tescos usually have a stable and secure job. This is explained because to apply for a position like a manager, you will need either have a lot of experience working for Tesco, or another supermarket, or will need to have degrees at a higher level of education. Usually managers of Tescos have worked their way up from starting at a lower place like an Operative, and through years of experience they reach the managers position. However reaching a managers position this way is very difficult as it takes a lot of patience and hard work. The other way of getting a job as a manager of Tescos, might be to get a business masters degree, although again, this takes a few years of studying in university, and there is only a small range of people who have these type of qualifications in the labour market. The role of the manager of Tescos is very different to the job role of an operative. The job of a manager requires a large range of skill; as they will have many decisions to make and problems to conquer. The store manager of a certain branch of Tescos might need to make decisions from such as if they need to fire a certain employee at that branch to decide whether or not to change the layout of the Tesco. Another serious problem a manager will be facing would be deciding how to react with the complaints of the stores customers. As you can see the manager has a large amount of responsibility when it comes to decision making, this is why either experience or qualifications is a must, so the person makes the correct decision. The skills which a manager of a supermarket will need will range from good communications skills-in orders to deal upfront with customers complaints- to being a proven leader, a motivator in order to lead his or her employees to complete the aims of Tesco the fastest and most efficient way. They need to be able to do independent work, to be organised, committed and hardworking. A sense of humour is also a skill which they need; this comes in handy with the communication with the customers, and is a big asset in solving day to day problems, such as complaints. As a standard procedure, benefits come with the job of being a manager. These benefits are much better than the benefits of a standard operative. Managers are paid in a annual salary-per annum. The amount will vary on the size of the store of Tesco, for example if its a Tesco express not a standard big Tesco and the amount of qualifications the individual has. The amount ranges from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½20,000-à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½35,000. The contract of a manager may state that they are contracted to work 40 hours per week, and this is all they will be paid for, however they may find themselves working longer hours then problems might occur. The benefits of a manager include larger discounts on Tescos products compare to operatives, and unlike the 4-5 weeks of paid holiday for operative, the managers will get 5-6 weeks of paid holidays per year. C-Grade A contract of employment is a contract binding under the law of United Kingdom, between the employee and the employer-Tescos- stating the terms and conditions of the employment. Explanation of sales operatives contract of employment Salary: A sales assistant is paid just above minimum wage, at à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½6.50 per hours. A salary is a form of a periodic payment from an employer to an employee, which is specified in the contract of employment, while the wage is a payment for a certain unit of labour for a certain unit of time. The reason for such a small wage for a sales assistant is because this doesnt require a lot of experience and qualifications, in fact if you can count its enough to be a sales assistant. Date paid: A sales assistant salary day is usually paid monthly, and during the end of the month and is important because this is the day they receive payment for the service which they have provided. Hours of Work: Sales assistant work for around 40 hours a week, over a 5 day period which Name of the contracted parties: This is where the employer and the employee are named with there addresses Starting date of the employee: This is the date of which the employee has begun working at Tescos. Job title and description: This is one of the most important sections in the contract, due to the fact that this is the bit where it is fully described on what the employee has to do, and what fits into their jobs guidelines. Address of workplace: This is the section where it clearly states the address of the place the employee will be working every day, and where they should go to every morning. Holiday entitlement: This is the section where it states how much holidays an employee is allowed. Usually for a sales operative on average its 4 weeks (20 days) of paid holiday per year. And every year after the first year an amount of 1 day is added to the paid holidays. Sickness entitlement: Contractual sick pay: the employee will receive their normal salary for a period of 4 weeks, in any 12 month period where a doctors certificate is produced after 7 consecutive days of sickness. Payments will be less statutory sick pay and any social securitys benefit due to the employee. So the sales operative would only be allowed to take 7 sick days off without a doctors note. Devoting full time to the company: This shows that the sales operative will need to devote their full attention to their job when they are at work. They are not allowed to spend any time phoning friends, or furthering other business interest at a time which Tesco is paying them. Reimburse of expenses: If a Tescos employee like the sales operative spends any money on the business of Tescos, then they need to keep the receipts so Tescos reimburse the amount in which the employee has spent. Disability: If a Tescos employee is injured at the workplace, Tescos are legally obliged to pay for their medical costs. Notice Periods: Time In Employment Minimum Notice Under 1 Month No Notice Over 1 Month 1 Week 2 Years Service 2 Weeks 3 to 12 years service One week for each year to a maximum of 12 weeks. Death Benefits: If one of the Tescos employees dies, then Tescos are legally obliged to compensate the family of the employee who just died. Oral Moderation not binding: This means that anything that are orally changed that might be made to the contract are not binding under the law of the United Kingdom. And if both the employee and the employer wish to have this a legal matter, they will need to write it down, agreed , and then Tescos and the employee have to both sign it Both the employee and the employer have to sign the contract otherwise, it is not a legally binding contract and can not be used in the court of law, if in any case needed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business Essays Entrepreneurs Business Knowledge

Business Essays Entrepreneurs Business Knowledge Entrepreneurs Business Knowledge Literature Review Several studies have shown that entrepreneurial ventures are one of the main contributors of new firms (Storey 1994). An increasing number of people in the UK are starting or are considering starting up their own business. These individuals are commonly known as ‘entrepreneurs’. The word entrepreneur was of French origin which evolved into meanings such as people who take risks, and founders of businesses (Hennessy 1980). They have evolved from simple merchants to more sophisticated corporate men. Entrepreneurs can also be defined as ‘people who organise and manage a business undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of profit’ ( 2008), however there is much more to entrepreneurship than a simple definition. There are different types of entrepreneurs who possess certain traits that make them successful in business. Research carried out by Kortschak (2008) discusses five traits that successful entrepreneur’s small and medium-sized companies share: Making strategic decisions based on limited data – good entrepreneurs tend to make decisions based on 80% of the data they have to hand, as they understand that waiting to learn more could mean a missed opportunity. Learning from mistakes – this trait is often seen in serial entrepreneurs who have experienced one or more business failures, which they often learn more from that mistake than the success. Understanding their own weaknesses – the best entrepreneurs understand their area of expertise, strengths, and weaknesses. Even though they have a general understanding of other disciplines they realise they lack knowledge in other areas for example, technical. In this case the successful entrepreneur would hire experts who can complement their skills. Spot patterns and key data – Kortschak (2008) identifies that the common environment in which an entrepreneur enters is dynamic where the structure of the industry, the nature of the customer base, or they overall way of doing business has not yet been determined. Successful entrepreneurs who run their companies are generally confident in building structure where none is in place; in addition to identifying patterns they are able to separate relevant information from irrelevant data. Partnering successfully with others – success in business is mainly about partnership. It is important for an entrepreneur to communicate well with others to work with fellow partners in agreeing business decisions and to communicate well with their team in accomplishing business objectives. Poor communication and being unable to work with others results in an unsuccessful business. It has been said many times that there is an entrepreneur behind every successful business. This can be due to a number of reasons but the one that many tend to overlook is personalities. One of the reasons for most successes is that the entrepreneur with the right personality and attitude was right for that particular business, for example, Bill Gates was seen as ‘The Visionary’ for his innovative ideas, and Anita Roddick, founder of Body Shop was seen as ‘The Improver’ as she wanted to improve the environment using natural ingredients in her products and ridding harsh chemicals and animal testing of cosmetics. Zahorsky (2008) identifies that there are nine personality types of entrepreneurs: The Improver – with this personality type the entrepreneur is more focused on using their company as a means to improve the world / environment. They have an ability to run their business with high integrity and ethics. Example of an entrepreneur, Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop. The Advisor – this business personality types provides a high level of assistance and advice to customers. The motto with this personality type is the customer is right and everything must be done to please them. This personality types build their companies to become customer focused. Example of an entrepreneur, John Nordstrom, Founder of Nordstrom. The Superstar – with this personality type the business is normally centred around the charisma and high energy of the superstar CEO and more than often the business is built around the entrepreneurs own personal brand. Example of an entrepreneur, Donald Trump, CEO of Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts. The Artist – with this personality type the entrepreneur will tend to build their business around the unique talents and creativities they posses for other businesses demanding creativity such as web design. Example of entrepreneur, Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert. The Visionary – an entrepreneur with the visionary personality type will most likely be based on the future vision and thoughts of the founder. This personality type will have a high degree of curiosity to understand the world around you and set up plans to avoid the problems. Example of entrepreneur, Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft Inc. The Analyst – this personality type is often the basis for science, engineering, or computing firms that are well known for problem solving. The entrepreneur possessing this personality type will run their business as an analyst and always focus on fixing problems in a logical way. Example of entrepreneur, Gordon Moore, Intel Founder. The Fireball – the entrepreneur with this personality type will be full of life, energy, and optimism. Their company would make customers feel the firm has a ‘get it done’ attitude in a fun way. Example of entrepreneur, Malcolm Forbes, Publisher, Forbes Magazine. The Hero – the business run by the hero personality type would have an incredible will and ability to lead their company through any challenge and can assemble great companies. Example of entrepreneur, Jack Welch, CEO GE. The Healer – the healer personality provides nurturing and harmony to their business and an ability to survive with an inner calm. Example of entrepreneur, Ben Cohen, Co-Founder of Ben Jerry’s Ice Cream. An entrepreneur’s business personality types and traits are some of the key success factors that blend with the needs of the business. With this combination businesses excel further. The media gives a great deal of attention to those who start their businesses with nothing and turning it into large successful organisation. An increasing number of entrepreneurs are young individuals with fresh ideas and an energetic attitude. However an entrepreneur’s age, educational background, and previous business-related experience is not as nearly as important as his or her desire to learn and willingness to bounce back from the obstacles associated with creating a new business endeavour (a trait that successful entrepreneurs share). A typical entrepreneur starts their business by using their savings, re-mortgaging their house, or borrowing from friends or family at a low or interest free rate which can be beneficial when starting out. Eventually the business starts to grow or the finance sources start to dry up, either way the business is in need of financing, which is defined as ‘money to implement a project; it is usually used to mean money lent, or equity provided’ ( 2008). When small businesses have actually become successful and have a track record then venture capital firms and banks will consider funding the business. Venture capitalists are defined as ‘professionally managed organisational investors’ (Harrison and Mason 1992). Even though banks are a popular and major source of finance for new and growing businesses, they have become less willing to lend money to new ventures (Mason and Harrison 1995, business angel book). Research from Oates (1992) suggests that major retail banks are apprehensive to financing new ventures after the losses in the early 1900s. Prior to this banks had been willing provide high levels of funds to finance start-up and expanding businesses, this was during the macro-economic boom of the mid 1980s (Murray 1994 business angel book). However the recession following this growth led to a considerable increase in the number of small businesses failing. The bank of England’s quarterly bulletin in February 1994 reported that throughout the recession (1992 – 1993) business failures had risen to 55,000 a year. This compared to a more normal rate in the 1980s had more than doubled, and the vast majority of these failures were in the small business sector. Thus the effect of this was a substantial increase in bad debts suffered by banks. The strain of these bad debts and their negative impacts on profits led to banks being reluctant to finance businesses that have just started out. Smith (1994 business angel book) suggests that many banks prefer to use short-term overdraft finance rather than long-term, fixed-rate financial packages. This is because shorter-term packages are not as damaging when the business experiences financial difficulties, however banks will cater for new businesses that have an extremely strong and promising proposal. This has led banks to avoid financing small / medium sized firms, thus leaving a gap in the market for financing smaller businesses. The venture capital industry in the UK is very well developed but does not adequately cater for young businesses. Murray (1994, business angel book) views the venture capital industry as not being a major source of finance for entrepreneurial ventures. One of the reasons why most venture capitalists avoid small business investments is because they are not pleased with administrative tasks that come with these investments, especially when the likely return is not substantial and does not compensate the amount of work required for young entrepreneurial ventures. According to Smith (1994 business angel book) venture capital firms focus more a great deal on management buyouts and the development of established existing businesses, rather than new ventures. Due to this stance of venture capitalists it has led them away from the small / medium sized firms, which also has resulted in a gap for new entrepreneurial ventures. The table ? below highlights some of the main differences between business angels and venture capitalists. Table ? – Business Angels vc Venture Capitalists Source: As it can be seen from table there are many differences between business angels and venture capitalists. The table highlights an imperative point discussed earlier of business angels investing at the start-up / early stage of a small business whereas venture capitalists invest at a later stage of medium to large organisations. The table also shows that business angels are more active and hands on in their investments (active angels) whereas the venture capitalists are more strategic. The gap between family/friends and banks is often referred to as an ‘equity gap’. Financial Times interviewed Peter Jones (an extremely successful entrepreneur and investor) who quotes that there is a funding gap out there for entrepreneurs starting out and that finance is available for them but very hard to find and at this stage for an entrepreneur it is probably the single most biggest hurdle (Moules, Financial Times, 2006). The challenge of overcoming this equity gap is amongst one of the topmost reasons for small businesses not achieving their full potential. According to an article in The Guardian most entrepreneurs overcome this obstacle by obtaining finance from ‘Business Angel’s’ (Kollewe 2007, Guardian). Business Angels are successful entrepreneurs running successful businesses, they invest in budding entrepreneurs in return for a percentage of the business and tend to invest in businesses that have the potential to return a healthy profit. The term angel was originated by Broadway insiders in the early 1900s to describe wealthy theatre-goers who made high risk investments in theatrical productions (Mason 2005). The term business angel was given to those individuals who perform essentially the same function in a business context (Benjamin and Margulis 2000). However, this type of business financing has only become significant since the 1950s and 1960s. Business angels are now defined as private, wealthy individuals who invest their own money as well as their time in small, young, unquoted companies with whom they have no family connections (Deakins and Freel 2003). (2007) defines business angels as an affluent individual who provides capital for a business, typically an equity investment. It is well known that angels rarely loan money without any strings attached (i.e. investing in return for a percentage of the business equity); they most often support entrepreneurs and new businesses. Landstrom (1993) states that most business angels have the same characteristics overall. He profiles them as heterogeneous group of people, as almost all business angels are or have been entrepreneurs from different backgrounds. However research carried out by Coveney and Moore (1998) suggests that there is more to a business angel than just wanting to make money. Coveney and Moore (1998) discuss that there are six different types of business angels. (See table 1 – table of different angels in book page 11). Entrepreneur Angels – these are the most active angels and experienced investors. They tend to have been successful entrepreneurs and now looking for ways to diversify their portfolio or expand their current business. They are well known for making frequent and large scale investments, not just for financial gain but for satisfaction of making investments and interacting with the founders/managers. They are also considerable wealthier than other individual business angels. Corporate Angels – these are companies that make angel type investments. These types of angels have been found to invest larger funds than other business angels and have corporate resources at their disposal (Coveney and Moore 1998). They tend to invest mainly for financial gain. Income Seeking Angels – are active business angels who make few and small investments for financial gain and to generate income/job for themselves. Wealth Maximising Angels – are a group of active business angels who have made several investments in new and growing ventures, they make their investments primarily for financial gain. They are generally wealthy but not as wealthy as entrepreneur angels. Latent Angels – these angels are inactive angels who have made one or two investments in the past but not in the last three years. Latent angels are self made private individuals who are very wealthy and have vast amounts of funds to invest. When looking to invest latent angels will be concerned with location of the venture as they would prefer to invest in opportunities close to home, as shown in table (ba v svc)?. Virgin Angels are angels who have not made an investment as of yet but are looking to finance new and growing businesses to create an income for themselves and to increase the return on their investment as much as they can. Virgin angels have fewer funds to invest than active angels. According to Mason and Harrison (1995)(business angels book) there are more virgin angels than active angels and that if half of the virgin angels became active then the total informal venture capital market would grow to ten times the size of formal venture capital market. Most of the time angels prefer to be ‘active angels’ as they like to invest in ventures and monitor their investments to ensure success. Similarly they prefer to invest in new young companies that are at their start-up stage and within close proximity to their home or work place (Harrison et al 2003). However research shows that although angels prefer to be active angels there are more virgin angels than active. (please see chart below). Chart ? – Business Angel market could become 10 times larger Source: Chart (above) shows that in 2000 there were more virgin angels recorded than active angels, this suggests that there are reasons for business angels not being active in investing in entrepreneurial ventures. If the virgin angels could find the right venture to invest in then the business angel market could potentially increase significantly. Could this be solved by angels den? Mason and Harrison (1995)(business angel book) state that most small / medium sized businesses are successful because of the right angel that has backed the business. This could also suggest that the wrong angel could mean failure of the business which is not the case as business angels have experience in all areas of running an organisation but are experts in certain areas, thus this does not mean the business would be unsuccessful. As mentioned earlier Business Angels fulfil an increasingly important funding niche, as banks only loan capital at interest, and venture capitalists invest relatively large sums generally when businesses wish to expand (see appendix I), which leaves the angels to support numerous new businesses each year. The critical issue for young vibrant businesses is finding sufficient funding for start-up and growth (Southon, Financial Times, 2008). Most entrepreneurs first look to banks, and venture capitalists for funding, these sources however can fund only a small percentage of businesses. It is now common for young businesses to find funding from business angels as they cater for this funding niche. The involvement of banks investing in entrepreneurs is lower than the venture capitalist investments (Fiet and Fraser 1994). Some of the benefits of banks entering venture capital finance are discussed by Fiet and Fraser (1994). One of these benefits suggests that the participation of banks would contribute to the elimination of the widely reported capital gap that may exist for funding new ventures. However due to the low involvement of banks investing in new and young entrepreneurs this has increased the involvement of business angels. There have been surprisingly few attempts to compare business angels with non-investors (banks). This is largely due to the fact that their exact population is unknown, however as mentioned earlier a number of studies show that there has been a significant increase in recent years. It is evident from Fiet and Fraser’s (1994) research that business angels provide much more funds for new businesses than venture capital firms and banks, yet their existence is not as well known as banks. Mason and Harrison (1995)(business angel book) state that the reason for business angels not being well know as other investments is because many of the investments made by business angels goes unrecorded by the government due to the scale of investments. Research undertaken by Macht (2007) discusses the post-investment period of business angels and their involvement and impact upon their investments. This study focuses solely on business angels where a survey was administrated online and electronically to business angels to explore their involvement and impact on their investments after the investment had been made, hence post-involvement. This was a useful analysis of why business angels invest and what motivates them. However the research does not consider the entrepreneurs or any other investment when the analysis was carried out. The study by Macht (2007) could add value to this research when assessing what factors business angels contribute in their investment and what sets them apart from banks. There are many banks offering loans to entrepreneurs to either start up their business or support the expansion of the business. Banks requires a thorough business plan submitted for them to evaluate whether the individual is credit worthy, whether they will be able to pay their loan, and within what timescale. According to Small Business Administration (SBA) the most common way entrepreneurs finance their growing or expanding business is through banks (SBA 2008). Banks provide the finance needed if the individual can demonstrate the ability to keep in business, and their ability to repay the loan and meet the firms other obligations. SBA (2008) state that a more difficult route of obtaining finance is from business angels and venture capitalists as these individuals and firms assist companies to grown in exchange for equity or partial ownership. (refer to appendix – show a graph of a business life cycle, i.e. start-up, expansion, maturity etc). SBA (2008) claim that there is no such thing as one hundred percent financing and that it would be required from the entrepreneur to invest some funds into the business before a lender will provide financing, especially banks. However research has shown that business angels have financed entrepreneurial ventures one hundred percent based on the entrepreneurs idea / invention. Dragons Den has become a popular show on television where a group of angels form a network to invest in budding entrepreneurs who pitch their business ideas to the business angels. It has become apparent from this program that business angels have provided one hundred percent finance in entrepreneurial ventures. When applying for finance to business angels they generally would want to know details of the entrepreneur’s current financial situation and background, however with banks it is much more complex than this. There are several questions a bank would need answers to before they would consider any application for a business loan such as, the specific purpose of the loan, the amount you are requesting, when and how long you would need the funds, how the loan will be repaid, what collateral will be used, and whether the business owners will provide a personal guaranty of some sort. A typical loan request involves the following components: Statement of purpose – outlining your purpose of the loan, what it will be needed for, and for how long etc. Business plan – outlining what the business does and it’s short and long term goals. Financial statements this will outline the financial capacity and performance of the business which is important as it will give the lender an insight to how you have generated revenue in the past and how you will continue to do so in the future. A thorough complete loan application alone would not suffice when borrowing funds from a bank. Further evaluation would need to be done on an individual’s financial background to see if they are credit worthy, this is different to the evaluation of the business financials. According to Barclays Plc bank, there are three aspects of credit in making loans decisions which are outlined below. Character – a check on your financial status and personal credit history. Capacity – having sufficient cash flow to pay off the loan. Collateral – providing assurance to the lenders as a last resort should the business not prove profitable. Collateral is a key aspect when applying for finance to a bank. Banks would want to lower the risk of lending as much as possible so that they would feel more confident the loan would be paid on time and in full, which is why they require security on assets, i.e. house, car. Majority of banks offer various loan packages for those wishing to start up or expand their business. This is with the intention to suit the loan to the needs of the particular business. For example, a common loan that banks offer are the small business start up loan package, which are only available on a guaranty basis. The small business loans are not fully guaranteed by the Government where normally if a payment default occurs; the Government will reimburse the lender for its loss up to a certain percentage. To be eligible for a small business loan the firm must not exceed one hundred employees in a wholesale business, or generate more than $21 million in annual revenue (HSBC 2008). This varies for a manufacturing firm (please refer to appendix ? – SBA slides 15). In addition to this, assistance cannot be proved to non-profit organisations, firms involved in illegal activities, or a monopoly situation or businesses engaged in pyramid sales. The small business loan can be used for many purposes such as, purchase of land and buildings, long or short term working capital needs, or purchasing an existing business. Other loans offered by banks are special purpose loans, and basic micro-loans. The special purpose loans serve specific markets such as export markets. The special purpose loan is designed to be short lived that is only required at times of market needs. The basic micro-loans are small loans for small businesses who struggle to obtain conventional financing but have good prospects for repaying the loan back. The micro-loans are under $35,000 but on average the loan size is $13,000, according to Halifax bank plc. These loans help finance the equity gap however are subject to the entrepreneurs’ potential in repaying the loan. (need to find accurate referencing for these banks mentioned, also change $ to  £. P.s. click on slide link for info). As mentioned earlier, if approaching a business angel for finance then the business angel would need to know financial and background specifics of the entrepreneur and the venture. For an entrepreneur, preparing a business plan is vital whether it be for banks, venture capitalists, or business angels. The hardest part to obtaining finance from a business angel is to actually finding business angels, as business angels are not as publicly known as banks nor are they known for financing as many investments as banks do. Similarly it has been hard for business angels to finance investments due to a lack of access to a range of investments. Hughes (1996) found that business angels would invest more frequently if they had access to a better range of investments; however he also stated that many potential ventures which meet the minimum criteria of business angels still goes unfunded. This shows that the right type of business angel cannot gain access to the right type of venture. Recent research shows that in order to overcome the hurdle of the angel meeting the right investment, vice versus, business angels have come together to form networks (FT Moules 2007). This allows a group of angels to combine their funds together to offer larger investments for entrepreneurs needing larger finance. Thus the entrepreneur also benefits from having more than one business angel on board to provide the business with their expertise and knowledge. As mentioned earlier, Dragons Den is a group of business angels who invest in entrepreneurial ventures that are brought forward to them. There have been several cases where more than one angel has invested in the same venture. There has been further development of the traditional angel networks of meeting entrepreneurs face to face. Angels Den has been one of many to launch an online networking website that specifically aims to connect entrepreneurs with business angels (FT Moules 2007). How this works is that the users of this service would pay a small fee of around  £100 to pitch an idea to the websites private investors. If the idea is liked then entrepreneur must pay a larger fee of around  £400 to pitch a full business plan. From this point if the investor is interested in the pitch then a face to face meeting is arranged. The fees that are charged for these websites are to be said a ‘fraction of the cost of traditional marketing’, according to Financial Times 2007, Moules. Angels Den does not take equity stakes in funded businesses or a percentage cut from completed deals, and the service is free to business angels ( The website encourages business angels to join which is free for them to do so; this is beneficial for entrepreneurs as it does not discourage business angels from joining hence increasing their chances of finding the right angel. This method is gradually becoming well known to the public thus increasing the exposure of business angels. It would therefore become much easier for entrepreneurs to find business angels and not feel banks and venture capitalists are the only accessible alternatives for finance, especially for those that have poor credit and no security to offer banks. It would also be easier for the government to measure the investment activity on annual basis and realise that business angels do make more investments than currently recorded that fill the equity gap (FT Mason, 2007). There had been attempts in the past to achieve similar objectives to the online networking sites as discussed above, these were referred to as business introduction services. They had tried to act as communicators between entrepreneurs seeking capital and interested potential investors; however this service did not exist online. According to Hughes (1996) these organisations had not been very successful in overcoming the problem of filling the equity gap, which still exists to this day. An article by the states that one of the most common mistakes that individuals’ starting out in business make is assuming that they can reach their full potential by themselves. Whereas Dragons Den angels Theo Paphitis, and Peter Jones claim that the biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is over-estimating the value of their company and not having enough cash to sustain the business. As Theo Paphitis quotes â€Å"cash is king†. Even though business angels seem to be more beneficial as investors than banks Drury (2008)( states that the vast majority of business angel deals do not proceed well. This can be because companies can often take much more time than the angel had thought and also more cash than forecasted. This could also be because the angel that has made the investment is a first time angel investor and thus lack experience. Drury (2008) also states that some angel investors may not know they are an angel yet as anyone moderately wealthy could potentially be an angel if they find a venture to invest in. There are many ways to define beneficial, defines beneficial as ‘producing or promoting a favourable result’. In terms of investing in entrepreneurs and which investment would be beneficial for entrepreneurial ventures this can be measured by reviewing what factors are advantageous for the entrepreneur and their business. Some of the factors can include the following: Finance provided Interest rate Expertise Knowledge Using business angel contacts Involvement from the investor to improve things No involvement from the investor, therefore less interference in the business Studies have shown that business angels can provide added value beyond financial capital (Ehrlich et al 1994). Having a business angel invest in the venture can help sustain competitive advantage, which is beneficial for the entrepreneurs’, as the angels bring more than capital to the business; they can bring their experience, contacts, and expertise to progress the business further. The resource-based perspective argues that sustained competitive advantage is generated by the unique bundle of resources at t

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Evolution of the Telephone and Operator :: Communication Technology Papers

The Evolution of the Telephone and Operator A few nights ago I was sitting at the dining room table reviewing my research, when my roommate, Lucy, walked in and inquired as to my progress. We started talking a bit about telephones and telephone operators and she related a story about the telephone in her hometown. Lucy is from a small town in Ireland. She clearly remembers when, at the age of four (about twenty eight years ago), her family installed their first telephone. To make a call her family would turn the crank on their telephone which would then alert Mrs. Murphy at the post office who would connect the call. Everyone in the village, Lucy explained, resisted making phone calls on Christmas Day in order to give Mr. Murphy break for the holiday. It was not until Lucy was in her teens that her town phone switched to automatic. She remembers calling home from school one day and receiving a pre-recorded message informing her that her number had been changed. Needless to say, she was greatly surprised. Lucy is not much older than I am; we grew up in virtually the same period of time, but in obviously different worlds. Her story of the telephone recalls memories of the endless episodes of Little House on the Prairie I used to watch where Mrs. Nelson would nosily listen into a phone call after making a connection. Lucy's story is an abbreviated version of that of America's. What occurred in her town over a period of ten or twelve years, transpired over the late 19th and a good part of the 20th centuries in the United States. While the technology of the telephone has transformed considerably since it's creation in the late 1870's, the basic job and job-related stresses of the telephone operator have changed significantly, but to a lesser degree. Most of my data falls within two time periods: then (before the 1920's) and now (the 1990's). While we will be missing a large chunk of detailed information, what I have found allows us enough to piece together the missing periods. In the first two years after the invention of the telephone, all subscribers in a particular area were linked to each other via a telephone line. When one wished to call another party, s/he would call directly across the line indicating the desired recipient by the number of rings sounded.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Common Cold :: essays research papers

The common cold has been plaguing humankind since the beginning of human existence. Even in these advanced times, there is no vaccine or cure. There are many symptoms that accompany the common cold. Some of these infamous symptoms are a runny nose, caused by inflammation of the nasal tissues, resulting in over production of mucus to trap the virus, and coughing. there are two different kinds or types of coughs that are common with colds. The first, is the less common dry hacking cough, these kinds are more likely to keep you up at night and just plainly annoy you than do any thing else. The other more common type of cough is the kind whose purpose is to expel mucus and or phlegm. These help to combat the cold by helping to expel the mucus that has the virus trapped in it. Other symptoms include a slight tingle or tickle in the back of the throat that usually turns into a sore throat and sneezing. Both of these symptoms are was for your body to help expel phlegm or mucus from the body. Another symptom is swelling of the face and or neck usually accompanied by pain around the eyes, nose, and forehead. This pain and swelling is caused by the introduction of the virus into your upper respiratory tract, therefore causing mucus building up in your nasal passages and then in your sinuses causing them both to become impacted. Many people complain of hoarseness, aches and pains in their joints, fever of about 101 degrees, and general aches and pains all over their bodies (Anthanasoid). There are at least two hundred different kinds of viruses that are known to cause what is known as the common cold, and an unknown number of undiscovered causes (Nourse 56). The virus who is usually responsible for a cold is called a rhinovirus, and it accounts for around thirty to fifty percent of all colds that afflict the adult part of the human population. The virus that is secondly responsible for most common colds, is called a coronavirus, and it is only different form a rhinovirus by a margin of few select proteins in it's molecular structure. The rhinovirus is so small that it can only be measured in milimicrons, one milimicron is about 1/25,000,000 of an inch, that means that about five hundred rhioviruses can fit on the point of a pin. That fact makes the rhinovirus and the coronavirus categorized in the medium territory. The virus cannot reproduce by itself. In fact scientists cannot even decide whether to classify it as an animal or a plant, because it is so primitive. To reproduce, the virus must first latch onto a nearby cell and inject it's genetic makeup into the

Use of Credit Cards :: essays research papers

The use of credit cards is much more dangerous than use of checks or cash. Paying with cash is very easy; for knowing how much money is available and how much can be spent makes it very hard to get into debt. When paying with a check the process is a bit trickier; the exact balance has to be kept on the account at all time. Knowing what this balance is and continuously replenishing it can be quite hard. Nevertheless, even with a check consumers can not get into a lot of trouble. If more money is spent then the shopper has on the current account, the last written check will be rejected and account will be suspended until the balance is paid off. With credit cards however, every year more and more people get into debt. According to American Bankers Association (ABA), Americans owe more then $387 billion on their credit cards. This frightening number, averaging about $3,900 per family, is just as bad for the economy as it is for the consumers. In September of 1995, for example, The AT&T Universal card charged $15 per month for late fee to people who paid their bills just one day after the due date. Visa, on the other hand, was charging the penalty feesfor as little as a dollar over the limit, plus an interest of up to 24.9 percent per year. In the second quarter of 1995, overdue payments as a percentage of outstanding balance hit 3.267 percent. That is the highest mark since recession of 1991. "The picture is, some consumers are very, very deeply in debt," says Charles McMillion, chief economist with MBG Information Services. A swipe of the card has become so natural that many consumers do not realize how much they have charged, nor that it will take them forever to pay that debt off. Seventy percent of respondents to a recent ABA survey said that it would take them at least two months to pay off their holiday expenses. Unfortunately, there are more ways to use a credit card than ever before, making it very hard for consumers to refrain from spending a lot of money. Shopper can charge groceries, teeth cleanings, and on-line services to their credit cards. Introduction of rebate cards – which offer users credit towards new vehicles, frequent-flyer miles,

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Are Boys in Crisis in Our Schools? Essay

Introduction There are many issues that concerns education that all educators should be aware of. One of those issue happens to be are boys in crisis. This is important for all early childhood educators to know because in their classroom they are going to have a class full of children and almost half of them will be boys. As teachers we should know how to help all of our students to succeed and grow up to be productive members of society. Our job as teachers is to insure that we are teaching the state standards and that the students are meeting those standards in order to move up in their education. John Dewey believed that all children learn differently and that education should not be resolved around curriculum, but it should be revolved around the abilities of the student. In the following pages I will be discussing both sides of the debate on boys’ crisis and my belief on the issue. First there are a couple articles and a book that support that boys are indeed in crisis. In each of these sources, they talk about how times have changed. It used to be known that girls were considered in crisis, but after a drastic change in the ways school are ran boys are now suffering and being place as the ones in crisis. Then there are a few articles that disagree with boys’ crisis. Most of the articles talk about how boys are doing fine and they are only a little behind academically. Also one of the articles talks boys scoring higher than girls in almost every subject. Lastly, I will reveal my beliefs on the issue as well as how I plan to implement my beliefs in my practices as and early childhood educator. The Debate There are many people in the United States whom agree with the statement boys in crisis. One article talk about how boys are getting left behind girls academically. There is a news article that talks about the gender gap and how boys are lagging. Also there is a book that discusses how boys are in crisis not girls. In the article written by Dan Haley, he talks about how girls are scoring higher than bays in almost every subject and some it is more obvious like reading and writing. He discusses how in 1992, there were study that showed that girls were being short changed by the school and how behind they were in math and science. After the media took a hold of the story of girls lagging academically, school started to change. But, instead of just catching up to the boys, they achieved higher than the boys. â€Å"A new gender gap is widening, this time in reading and writing, and boys are on the bottom end. † (Haley, 2009) Haley believes that there should be a movement for the men, just like they had for the girls. Test score showed even more how girls are better academically in many areas such as reading. â€Å"As a public policy issue, this has barely made its way into radar screen of policy makers. † (Haley, 2009) He thinks that the boys’ crisis has to do with not a how boys are being taught, but more about schools not trying to teach the children the way they learn best. â€Å"Unless k-12 leaders get serious about changing the way they teach boys, we’ll all suffer. † (Haley, 2009) Next in the news article written by David Kohn, he talks about how girls are leaving the boys behind academically in school. He starts off talking about how girls use to become nurses and teacher, but nothing high than that. After the equal opportunity laws were passed girls we able to become doctors and principal. Now a days the boys are the ones that need a little more help in school because they are lagging behind. â€Å"Far more boys than girls are found at the very bottom of the academic rank. † (Kohn, 2003) Many states have reported that boys are getting out of school and the girls taking over. It has been proven that â€Å"Girls outperform boys in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college, and graduate school. † (Kohn, 2003) He believes that boys are getting mixed message on what will make them good students and what will make them good men. Kohn talks about how boys are expected to be athletes and don’t get supported for doing well in school. â€Å"Boys are falling further behind girls in reading and writing, and still, there’s no public outcry the way there was for girls, and we wanted to find out why. †(Kohn, 2003) Boys’ crisis will not end unless people stand up for them as they once did for girls. Lastly, in the book written by Christina Hoff Sommers which talks about how the tables have turn from girls in crisis to boys. â€Å"Students who dominate the drop out list, the suspension list, the failure list and other negative indices of non-achievement in school are males at a wide ratio. †(Sommers, 2000) She talks about how boys rather rush through their homework to be able to go outside and play unlike girls who take their time to prefect their work. Boys are suffering in education more than ever because everyone believe that girls were in crisis and teachers started to focus on their needs and stop focusing on the boys needs to succeed. â€Å"Studies showing the existence of a serious educational gender gap adverse to boys began to surface. † (Sommers, 2000) The boys’ crisis also has to deal with boys not having enough contact with their teachers because they â€Å"believe that there is no one they can turn to for help† (Sommers, 2000) Sommers believes that â€Å"we should raise boys like we raise girls. † (Sommers, 2000) That way we can get them out of crisis. However, there are people that disagree with the statement boys in crisis. There are many articles that talk about boys having trouble in school, but it doesn’t mark them in crisis. There are articles that talk about how schools focus more on girl needs than on boys. Also there is a study that says that boys are scoring higher than girls in some areas. Deborah Perkins-Gough wrote an article that discussed why boy are falling behind girls in school. She believed there were many reason and one was, â€Å"today’s classrooms are too structured, ignoring boys’ energetic natures and their need for physical movement. † (Perkins-Gough, 2006) Most schools want the children to sit still and be quite in order to learn. For boys they need to be able to move around. It isn’t easy for them to be in a quite environment and that is why they are always being disciplined. In the last decade it is proven that boys are scoring higher than they did before according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress. They even say that in some areas boys are achieving higher scores then girls, but other areas they are scoring less than girls. In her article she does admit that there is a â€Å"gender gap in education attainment in the areas of grade promotion, high school graduation rates, and college attendance. †(Perkins-Gough, 2006) She talks about how education policymakers should not focus on boy crisis, but rather look at the gaps among students of different races and class. They should also take in concentration that, â€Å"In the past 30 years, the numbers of boys labeled as learning disabled or as having ADHD has â€Å"exploded†; boys now make up two-thirds of students in special education. † (Perkins-Gough, 2006) she believes that policymakers, educators, and parents should not worry about boys being in crisis because they are doing just fine. They need to be more concerned finding more reach on how to help all children learn through their learning styles. The next article discusses that boys and girls are different and that many schools are too girl friendly. In this article it talks about the point of view of Michael Gurian. He â€Å"believes that boys are not being well-served by what he calls our â€Å"girl-friendly† schools. † (It’s a male thing, 2006) 70 to 90 percent of boys are receiving grades that are no higher than D’s and F’s, that boys are 90 percent of the discipline problems and are 80 percent of the high school drops out. They also make up less than half of a college campus. In Gurian believes this has to do with the fact that schools are more girl-friendly. When he says girl friendly he means, â€Å"success in school comes more readily for students who can read and write well-areas in which girls tend to do better than boys. †(It’s a male thing, 2006) Gurian say that boys work better and learn better when they are allowed to move around. The reason they are more likely to be in trouble is because they have to sit still. He also finds single-sex classrooms beneficial because it can focus on a gender based instructions where as other look at the reduction of distraction in the classroom that you have when both boys and girls are in the same class. Gurian’s solutions for boy to be at the same level as girl is to â€Å"address the needs of boys include some physical changes in classrooms, as well as modifications in curriculum and learning materials. † (It’s a male thing, 2006) Many would not agree, but more research is being done to prove that Gurian is right. Boys are not in crisis, but need their learning styles met in order to succeed. Lastly, we have an article written by Muna Husain and Daniel Milliment talking about how boy crisis is a myth. They discuss how they â€Å"step back and assess the validity of â€Å"The boy crisis† in US primary schools by analyzing the gender gap in math and reading. †(Husain, 2009) In figuring out their conclusion that boy crisis is a myth they did a nationwide test on students from kindergarten to third grade. This test let them see if boys have gained or lost ground in the first four years of their academic careers. Even though this test is similar to how other people figure out the racial achievement gap, Husain and Millment did not just focus on the average achievement gap, but they also focused on the differences across the distribution. Conducting their test this way they end with the result that â€Å"boys outperform girls in math across virtually the entire distribution by the end of third grade, and gain ground across the entire distribution over the first 4 years of school. † (Husain, 2009) This proves that the conceptionof boy crisis in the United States is indeed unclear do to the fact boys are better in math. ? Advocacy for one side of the Debate I disagree with the statement boys in crisis for the following reasons, schools are more girl-friendly rather than boy, boys learn in a different way than girls, and depending on how a child is raised can affect how they do academically. It is true that boys are having trouble in school, but that doesn’t quite mean that it is a crisis. That just shows that boys have needs that are different to girls. When it is saying that boys are in crisis, it is actually saying that boys are in an uncertain and painful period of time that must be addressed in a timely matter in order to avoid disaster. In my opinion that does not sound like what boys are in crisis. They do need helped academically and behaviorally, but in each article I read that disagreed with boys in crisis talk about how boys are a little behind or are scoring higher in subject compared to the girls. To me this proves that boys are not in crisis. Ethical standards are always thrown around when policy makers are making new policy. What is the best way to handle certain situations? The ethical standard I believe that would best support my given position of boys’ are not in crisis would be the principal of fairness. I believe that it is unfair for schools to only meet the needs of the girls’ population leaving the boys to having trouble behaviorally. If schools were fair they would try to adapt the way students are taught to fit the needs of both the boys and girls. The UN rights of a child states in article 3 â€Å"The best interests of children must be the primary concern in making decisions that may affect them. †(UNICEF, Factsheet) I believe this support my debate because it is not in the best interest to title boys in crisis. Boys need teachers to teach them in the best way that will help them learn instead of teaching the boys like they teach the girls. Another right that the UN gives children is talked about in article 28 the right to an education. This is because boys are still learning and are benefitting from the education even though girls in some case are doing better academically. People need to realize that education means to acquire knowledge in a school type of setting and both boys and girls are doing so even at different rates. As an early child care provider I will take into consideration that boys and girls are different when it comes to the way they learn. In my classroom I will meet the needs of all my students by having times where it is quite and the students must listen to lectures. Also I will have times where students can talk to each other and move around the room doing hands on activities. This will help all of my students succeed and be on the same page. There are many leadership roles a teacher may find themselves using in their teaching career. In my practices I will be using transformational leadership because I am creating an environment that will help all of my students. Also I want to be able to inspire my students to adapt to learning together that fit everyone learning style and maybe help the students to succeed no matter how they are taught. Using this leadership in my class will help not only the students, but it will help my fellow teachers that might have my students in years to come. Also I will be providing a servant leadership because I will focus on the needs and goals of my students to achieve their potential success and above. These are the best leadership skill to enhance the way my classroom will be run and how it will benefit the students in the long run. This will also help to keep both the boys and girls falling into the category of being in crisis. References Anonymous (2006). It’s a male thing. American Teacher, Vol:90 Issue 4. From http://wilsontxt. hwwilson. com. ezproxy1. lib. asu. edu/pdffull/04575/168yt/dsv. pdf Haley, D. (2004) Leaving our boys behind. The Denver Post. Pg. B-07 From http://www. lexisnexis. com. ezproxy1. lib. asu. edu/hottopics/lnacademic/?. shr=t&csi=144565&sr=HLEAD(Leaving+our+boys+behind)+and+date+is+August,+2004 Husain, M. and Millimet, D. L. (2009). The mythical ‘boy crisis’? Economics of Education Reviewer, vol:28 Issue1 38-48. From http://www. sciencedirect. com. ezproxy1. lib. asu. edu/science? _ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VB9-4S7J5M1-2&_user=56861&_coverDate=02%2F28%2F2009&_rdoc=1& _fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000059542&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=56861&md5=969cbbac9b77650ac70954fdfbd2bfe7&searchtype=a#sec1 Kohn, D. (2003). The gender gap: boys lagging. CBS.