Sunday, August 11, 2019

2008 May issue of Women's Health Magazine Critic Essay - 1

2008 May issue of Women's Health Magazine Critic - Essay Example Articles such as Burn More Fat were the highlight of this issue of Women’s Health Magazine and the lead article was assisted by the picture of a slim and trim model. In a time where increasing criticism was being given to the extreme to which models were going to look as slim as possible, this was a brave move on the magazine’s part but was a move executed very intelligently since the magazine was strewn with complimenting articles on good health and physical fitness altogether. It was apparent that the issue of the magazine had chosen to bring together a combination of looks as well as health in this issue. The article also held a subscript which gave the article a tacky sort of appeal. The subscript said A Rock Solid Body by 1st June. This was not a particularly wise decision since not all women desire having a rock solid body and a large number of women still choose to look womanly and feel soft and comforting to their partners when they are in their presence. In thi s regard, the article seemed quite out of place in the magazine that was sporting other articles that focused on the woman’s health. This article seemed to go a little overboard. However, other articles such as Lost in Translation – What he’s trying to tell you were quite amusing and entertaining and needless to say, it was articles such as these in the May issue of Women’s Health Magazine that kept the reader riveted. Moreover, it was articles such as these that drew the attention of the reader towards the magazine in the first place. Designed for the reader’s amusement and relationship intelligence, this was an article that must have been responsible for a significant number of sales for the magazine since it stood out amongst the rest of the articles in the fact that it was the only article on relationships in the entire May 2008 issue of the magazine. Perhaps the first thing to catch the reader’s eyes was the article All New Way’s to Healthier Eating which

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